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How does laser lipo work? 

Unlike conventional liposuction, the idea of noninvasive laser lipo is not to remove fat cells, but to shrink them.

During each session of i-Lipo—the brand of laser-lipo device Advanced Laser Body Care uses—a technician places pads equipped with laser diodes directly onto the skin. The laser energy penetrates down to the fat cells and creates tiny holes in their membranes. This causes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink, potentially resulting in lost inches. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.

"Think of your fat cells as groups of juicy grapes," Heather says. "The laser beam reaches the fat cell and shrinks the contents, and those grapes become raisins."

Who's eligible for laser lipo?

The pool of ideal candidates for laser lipo is a little bit smaller than for traditional lipo because the procedure isn't perfect for extensive weight loss. It might be right for you if you're:

- Only about 25 pounds over your ideal weight

- More concerned with "problem areas" than total-body weight loss

- In good health with good skin elasticity

What is the process like?

You're gonna be very relaxed, We're gonna put you in a nice little cocoon, which helps speed up that metabolic process.

From there, the technician applies the pads to the targeted area, inundating it with laser energy for about 10 to 20 minutes. If necessary they may then move the pads to focus on another area and repeat the treatment. And that's about it. You may see a difference immediately, but for best results, you'll need to return.

Here are some fast facts about the recommended cycle:

Treatment schedule

Though some clients begin to notice results after only a few sessions, most require 6–12 treatments to see maximum results.


Two treatments per week for four weeks are recommended. 


Because the treatment is not invasive, no downtime is required.

What areas can be treated?

All parts of the body that store fat can be treated.

The most common treatment areas include:

- Abdomen

- Waistline

- Thighs

- Arms

-  Under the chin

How long do. laser lipo results last?

Because laser lipo does not destroy fat cells but rather empties them of their contents, the fat cells are capable of storing fat again. A balanced diet is the only way to ensure lasting results.

When you're at home, we want you to make some good dietary choices. Eat lean protein. Stay away from alcoholic beverages and sugar. Those who take in more calories than they burn will see their improvement start to decrease over time.

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